Friday, March 18, 2011

day twelve - whatever tickles your fancy

this topic seems to be appearing quite a lot...
anyway, so i was thinking today of what i was going to write about, and it dawned on me.


i get so frustrated with the whole concept sometimes!!

i'm not someone who hates school either, ever since i can remember i have loved it. yes, of course, there have been off days, and fights with friends, or just days when you can't be bothered because you haven't finished that assignment, but in general i love it.
i love the people, i love the music, i love the feeling of being 'home' when i'm there.

my music teacher always tells us:
"i'm teaching you music for life, not for the exam"
and i totally agree with her. the things on the exam are so simple, that being extended keeps us interested and wants us to learn more.
but what about other subjects?

like english for example. we've learnt our basic english skills, but we are studying a certain context. we are studying certain books, certain techniques, certain authors and films.

maths. we learn formulas, do specific topics, learn equations... and unless we study maths at uni, are we really going to remember all these formulas in 2 years time...?

i have friends who do history, and yes they love the stuff that they learn about, but sometimes there might be something off-topic, not in the coursework that you want to learn about. but because the course is so jam-packed of things you need to learn to pass the exam, there's no time to cover other things.

i guess what i am trying to say is that my one huge frustration with the whole concept of VCE is that all year we study hard and work our butts off just to pass the exam. all we are learning is so we can pass the exam. to get a number. to get into the course we want.

but then again, there is so much that happens in year 12 that i guess VCE is a little price to pay for all the enjoyment i have had over not only the past 12 years of schooling, but the enjoyment i hopefully will have in the coming year.

keep learning, even if it's not in the course.
oh, and 33 weeks until exams... thanks VCAA.

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