Tuesday, July 13, 2010

and so it begins..

and so it begins, as i join the craze of blogging - people pointing out their flaws, imperfections, hopes, desires, dreams, and on top of that, just a whole lot of random nothing.
oh, and not to forget the endless procrastination and trying to forget about reality for a little while.

but more to the point - i believe that life is a rollercoaster. hence name of this blog. and the story of my life.
there are always ups, and always downs, and even times when we think we're going to spin out of control - but no matter what we always have to get off the rollercoaster at one point or another, wait in line for our turn, and let all that adrenalin rush through out bodies while we wait for it all to begin again.

the rollercoaster may be hard sometimes,
but i love it too much to ever change it.


  1. <3 love you gorgeous.

  2. i made a blog, go read it, its got a dash of you hunny :D xooxoxox ly
