this is slowly turning into a weekly blog, i apologise - i blame my little pal called year 12...
anyway, so about a week ago i wrote about music, and how my life pretty much revolves around it... but believe it or not, i actually do have one hobby in particular that does not involve music...
welcome to the world of scrapbooking.
throughout each year i collect photos from any important events - from shows, (onstage and backstage) to school, to holidays, to parties, to overseas trips (although these end up with a scrapbook of their own..), to practically anything where a camera is handy.
then, at the end of each year, over the summer holidays, i create an annual scrapbook. i select my favourite photos from each event, get the photos printed, spend christmas money on supplies, and off i go.
if you're not 100% sure what scrapbooking is, here's an example - these are two pages (act 1 and act 2) with selected photos from a show i was in last year...
anyway, so about a week ago i wrote about music, and how my life pretty much revolves around it... but believe it or not, i actually do have one hobby in particular that does not involve music...
welcome to the world of scrapbooking.
throughout each year i collect photos from any important events - from shows, (onstage and backstage) to school, to holidays, to parties, to overseas trips (although these end up with a scrapbook of their own..), to practically anything where a camera is handy.
then, at the end of each year, over the summer holidays, i create an annual scrapbook. i select my favourite photos from each event, get the photos printed, spend christmas money on supplies, and off i go.
if you're not 100% sure what scrapbooking is, here's an example - these are two pages (act 1 and act 2) with selected photos from a show i was in last year...
i have been doing this every year since 2007 (year 8), and looking back on those scrapbook it's probably one of the best things i could have done. i mean, seriously, if i'm looking back now, only 4 years later, and reminiscing about the good times i find lay out on the page, imagine how special these books are going to be in 20, or 30 years time?
this year i have no idea where my summer went, so i still have one section of my scrapbook to go, and after that i plan on doing an entire scrapbook on my trip to Japan - there is no way i could possibly have chosen just a few photos out of the thousands taken!
i don't really know why i find scrapbooking so relaxing, but i can spend hours on a single page. i can sit in my room, for hours, music blasting, phone off, no internet, and just enjoy something that is not only fun, but actually really productive as well.
speaking of productive, i better wrap this up and go write this english essay...
remember to keep being creative!
it's in everyone, you just need to find your own way to express it.
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