but, instead of choosing my 'current' favourite song (which, as seen in my previous post, is waka waka by shakira), i have chosen a song that will never age. a song that will live through time, and hopefully when i'm old and wrinkly in my wheelchair, the youngins can come and visit their granny and together we can headbang to the brilliance of...
Bohemian Rhapsody.

and no, i do not mean any cover of this song. not the australianised version by rolf harris, or the vocal adrenalin version from glee, i am talking the original song by the legendary and never to be forgotten QUEEN.
i honestly have no words for this song.
although i do not listen to it all that often, if i'm ever at a party and this song comes on, i don't think there is ever a complaint - how can anyone possibly dislike bohemian rhapsody?
the harmonies, the piano part, the guitar solo, the falsetto voices, the bass voices, and everything in between, the complete and utter brilliance as the lyrics are sung with passion and fire.
and okay, yes, i do not necessarily understand the song. i'm sure if i researched into it a little i could find the meaning behind the lyrics, but isn't half the fun NOT knowing what the hell you are singing about?
one of my favourite parts of the song - "sends shivers down my spine" *tinkling of chimes*
check out the music video. yes, their hair and fashion definitely HAS aged, but it's brilliant. nobody can deny that.
check it out.
"so you think you can stop me and spit in my eye, so you think you can love me and leave me to die..." *headbangs until becoming dizzy*
Oooh, nice choice my dear :)