Sunday, June 12, 2011

time to wrap up

I doubt that I even have any readers left by the time I am writing this post, due to my complete lack of blogging... but if anyone is reading this, here is what I supposedly still have left in the blogging challenge:

Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

However, to sum up how I am feeling right now, I need a fresh start. I seem to be sort of stuck in a rut, and doing the same old thing that I have been doing since the start of the year is not doing me any good.

And so, starting from the next post, the blogging challenge (although I do hate ditching things I begin...) will be ended. Or, at the very least, postponed until a much later date where the questions that some of these "days" are asking don't make me want to crawl into a hole, and hide until the storm has passed.

"It is not why we fall, but how we get back up that matters."

Now to get back up,

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