Thursday, April 28, 2011

day twenty three - a youtube video

youtube is a wonderful thing.
there have been times when i have literally spent hours watching videos, learning new songs, finding karaoke tracks (yeah, i'm cool...).

but i honestly do have a favourite clip, that i keep going back to. the amount of times i have watched this video is not okay. it goes for 8:45, so in perspective i have probably spent literally hours of my life watching this video.

so what is this video, you may ask?
incase you weren't aware, i'm a little bit of a musical theatre geek.
in the industry that is showbiz, there is a woman. her name is Sutton Foster.

words cannot possibly begin to express my respect and admiration for this talented woman.

she is currently starring as Reno Sweeney in the upcoming production of Anything Goes on Broadway in New York. unfortunately it's not looking as though i'm going to make it... but fortunately for me have put up some videos of inside the rehearsals.

but you know what? after watching this, i realised that there are so many talented people out there. yes, Sutton Foster is playing the lead in this particular musical, but every single one of those chorus members is extraordinarily talented.

this clip is the title song, "Anything Goes."

have a watch. it's only 8 minutes and 45 seconds of your life.

and it's so worth it :-)


day twenty two - a website

to be honest, i don't spend much time surfing random websites.
the extent of my net-surfing goes about as far as hotmail, facebook, youtube, google, and the school intranet.

however, there are two websites i am going to share with you today that have nothing to do with those above.

firstly, a blog.
by a good friend - a very clever, intelligent, wonderful and talented young lady.
i always find her blog to be so insightful, as well as enjoyable to read.
it's called Books, Baguettes and Ballet Slippers.
check it out:

secondly, i am always in need of a laugh.
and when all else fails, moving images always seem to make my day that little bit brighter. allows you to upload photos and create a gif file out of it.
for example... a personal favourite: the dancing prefects:

:-) enjoy.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

day twenty one - a recipe

I firstly open this blog by apologising for the lack of blogging in recent weeks.
The last few weeks of school got a little overwhelming at times, and I have spent the past week in Perth on music tour.
But I will try and continue this blog challenge... I guess my aim now is to actually finish it, regardless of whether it takes a few weeks or a few months.

I have decided to take a different angle on this blog, similarly to how motzie did (see the link to this blog on the right hand side --->), but perhaps a little more on the negative side.

In the past few weeks I have been feeling as though I have had no control over anything; unfortunately resulting in the heightening of my stress levels.
So here I go - found a version of this on google but have altered it a little to suit me at the moment.

'A Recipe For Stress'

7 days of bad sleep
5 days of early mornings
2 units of VCE
1 list of uni preferences
1 curious mind

a splash of rain
a sprinkle of homework
a dash of cold symptoms

1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl
2. Coat large saucepan with a thick layer of attitude
3. Pour ingredients into saucepan, mix thoroughly & cook on high heat until boiling
4. Serve on large plates with a side dish of frustration
5. Add seasoning to taste

Note: Best served day before a SAC
